FUNCTION GALEXSpectrum::AngularSeparation, ra0, dec0, ra1, dec1 sep = SIN( dec0 )*SIN( dec1 ) + COS( dec0 )*COS( dec1 )*COS( ra1-ra0 ) RETURN, ACOS( sep ) END PRO GALEXSpectrum::AnnotateImageStrip, band, lambda IF band EQ 'FUV' THEN offset = self.fuvLambdaOffset $ ELSE offset = self.nuvLambdaOffset ; Label the wavelength along the top of the image strip. x = self->WavelengthToOffset( band, 1, lambda ) - offset y = !Y.CRANGE[1] FOR i = 0, N_ELEMENTS( x ) - 1 DO $ XYOUTS, x[i], y, STRING( lambda[i], format='(i4)' ), orientation=90., $ color=fsc_color( 'Red' ) x = self->WavelengthToOffset( band, 2, lambda ) - offset y = !Y.CRANGE[1] FOR i = 0, N_ELEMENTS( x ) - 1 DO $ XYOUTS, x[i], y, STRING( lambda[i], format='(i4)' ), orientation=90., $ color=fsc_color( 'Green' ) x = self->WavelengthToOffset( band, 3, lambda ) - offset y = !Y.CRANGE[1] FOR i = 0, N_ELEMENTS( x ) - 1 DO $ XYOUTS, x[i], y, STRING( lambda[i], format='(i4)' ), orientation=90., $ color=fsc_color( 'Blue' ) y = 0.5*(!Y.CRANGE[0] + !Y.CRANGE[1]) OPLOT, !X.CRANGE, [y, y], linestyle=2, color=fsc_color( 'Yellow' ) XYOUTS, 820, -20., STRING( self.tile, self.currentSpecID, format='(%"%s %d")' ), $ alignment=0., color=fsc_color( 'Yellow' ) END PRO GALEXSpectrum::AsciiFile fileName = STRING( self.tile, self.currentSpecID, format='(%"%s_%d.txt")' ) OPENW, unit, fileName, /get_lun spec = (*self.ptrGsp)[self.currentIndex] lambda = + FINDGEN( spec.numpt + 1 ) * spec.disp flux = spec.obj * (6.6e-27 * 3.e18 / lambda) err = spec.objerr * (6.6e-27 * 3.e18 / lambda) FOR i = 0, N_ELEMENTS( lambda ) - 1 DO PRINTF, unit, lambda[i], flux[i], err[i] FREE_LUN, unit END FUNCTION GALEXSpectrum::ComputeBackground, band IF band EQ 'FUV' THEN BEGIN IF NOT PTR_VALID( self.ptrFuvStrip ) THEN RETURN, 0 strip = *self.ptrFuvStrip lambda = 1400. + FINDGEN( 400 ) offset = self->WavelengthToOffset( 'FUV', 2, lambda ) - self.fuvLambdaOffset smoothingLength = 50 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF NOT PTR_VALID( self.ptrNuvStrip ) THEN RETURN, 0 strip = *self.ptrNuvStrip lambda = 1800. + FINDGEN( 1200 ) offset = self->WavelengthToOffset( 'NUV', 1, lambda ) - self.nuvLambdaOffset smoothingLength = 100 ENDELSE i = offset[0] j = offset[N_ELEMENTS( offset ) - 1] bottom = TOTAL( strip[i:j, 0:27], 2 ) top = TOTAL( strip[i:j, 53:79], 2 ) background = (bottom + top) / 55. background = INTERPOL( background, i + FINDGEN( j-i+1 ), offset ) spectrum = TOTAL( strip[i:j, 28:52], 2 ) / 25. spectrum = INTERPOL( spectrum, i + FINDGEN( j-i+1 ), offset ) use = WHERE( FINITE( background ), nUse ) IF nUse GT 25 THEN BEGIN sigmaLarge = STDDEV( background, /nan ) sigmaSmall = STDDEV( background - MEDSMOOTH( background, smoothingLength ), /nan ) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN sigmaLarge = -1 sigmaSmall = -1 ENDELSE IF band EQ 'FUV' THEN BEGIN self.ptrFuvBackground = PTR_NEW( background ) self.ptrFuvSpectrum = PTR_NEW( spectrum ) self.fuvSigmaLarge = sigmaLarge self.fuvSigmaSmall = sigmaSmall ENDIF ELSE BEGIN self.ptrNuvBackground = PTR_NEW( background ) self.ptrNuvSpectrum = PTR_NEW( spectrum ) self.nuvSigmaLarge = sigmaLarge self.nuvSigmaSmall = sigmaSmall ENDELSE RETURN, 1 END PRO GALEXSpectrum::ComputeSNR, fuvSNR=fuvSNR, nuvSNR=nuvSNR spec = (*self.ptrGsp)[self.currentIndex] lambda = + FINDGEN( spec.numpt + 1 ) * spec.disp flux = spec.obj * (6.6e-27 * 3.e18 / lambda) err = spec.objerr * (6.6e-27 * 3.e18 / lambda) ; FUV good = WHERE( 1440 LE lambda AND lambda LE 1660 ) fuvSNR = MEDIAN( flux[good]/err[good] ) ; NUV good = WHERE( 2200 LE lambda AND lambda LE 2600 ) nuvSNR = MEDIAN( flux[good]/err[good] ) END PRO GALEXSpectrum::FITSFile fileName = STRING( self.tile, self.currentSpecID, format='(%"%s_%d.fits")' ) spec = (*self.ptrGsp)[self.currentIndex] lambda = + FINDGEN( spec.numpt + 1 ) * spec.disp flux = spec.obj * (6.6e-27 * 3.e18 / lambda) err = spec.objerr * (6.6e-27 * 3.e18 / lambda) s = {lambda: lambda, flux: flux, err: err} MWRFITS, s, fileName, /create END FUNCTION GALEXSpectrum::GetStampData, band, width IF band EQ 'FUV' THEN BEGIN IF NOT PTR_VALID( self.ptrFuvHdr ) THEN RETURN, 0 img = *self.ptrFuvImg hdr = *self.ptrFuvHdr ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF NOT PTR_VALID( self.ptrNuvHdr ) THEN RETURN, 0 img = *self.ptrNuvImg hdr = *self.ptrNuvHdr ENDELSE sz = SIZE( img ) ra = (*self.ptrGsp)[self.currentIndex].alpha_j2000 dec = (*self.ptrGsp)[self.currentIndex].delta_j2000 raMin = ra - width / COS( dec*!DTOR ) / 2. raMax = ra + width / COS( dec*!DTOR ) / 2. decMin = dec - width / 2. decMax = dec + width / 2. ADXY, hdr, [raMin, raMax], [decMin, decMax], x, y x[1] = (x[1] > 0) x[0] = (x[0] < (sz[1]-1)) y[0] = (y[0] > 0) y[1] = (y[1] < (sz[2]-1)) stamp = img[x[1]:x[0], y[0]:y[1]] min = MIN( stamp, max=max ) IF band EQ 'FUV' THEN BEGIN self.ptrFuvStamp = PTR_NEW( stamp, /no_copy ) self.fuvStampMin = min self.fuvStampMax = max self.fuvStampHistEqual = 0B ENDIF ELSE BEGIN self.ptrNuvStamp = PTR_NEW( stamp, /no_copy ) self.nuvStampMin = min self.nuvStampMax = max self.nuvStampHistEqual = 0B ENDELSE RETURN, 1 END FUNCTION GALEXSpectrum::GetStripData, band IF band EQ 'FUV' THEN BEGIN ptrGsax = self.ptrFuvGsax unit = self.fuvPrcUnit offset = self.fuvOffset skip = self.fuvSkip ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ptrGsax = self.ptrNuvGsax unit = self.nuvPrcUnit offset = self.nuvOffset skip = self.nuvSkip ENDELSE IF NOT PTR_VALID( ptrGsax ) THEN RETURN, 0 IF unit EQ 0 THEN RETURN, 0 i = WHERE( (*ptrGsax).id EQ self.currentSpecID, n ) IF n NE 1 THEN BEGIN MESSAGE, 'Unable to find requested spectrum in the GSAX file.', /informational RETURN, 0 ENDIF loc = offset + ((*ptrGsax)[i].img_index - 1) * skip POINT_LUN, unit, loc dataStruct = MRDFITS( unit, 0, hdr, /silent ) nColumns = FXPAR( hdr, 'PRI_NC' ) nRows = FXPAR( hdr, 'PRI_NR' ) dataZero = FXPAR( hdr, 'DATZERO' ) dataScale = FXPAR( hdr, 'DATSCALE' ) rspZero = FXPAR( hdr, 'RSPZERO' ) rspScale = FXPAR( hdr, 'RSPSCALE' ) lambdaOffset = FXPAR( hdr, 'ARCSEC1' ) img = (dataStruct.dat * dataScale + dataZero) / (dataStruct.rsp * rspScale + rspZero) img = REFORM( img, nColumns, nRows ) min = MIN( img, max=max, /nan ) IF band EQ 'FUV' THEN BEGIN self.ptrFuvStrip = PTR_NEW( img, /no_copy ) self.fuvLambdaOffset = lambdaOffset self.fuvStripMin = min self.fuvStripMax = max self.fuvStripHistEqual = 0B ENDIF ELSE BEGIN self.ptrNuvStrip = PTR_NEW( img, /no_copy ) self.nuvLambdaOffset = lambdaOffset self.nuvStripMin = min self.nuvStripMax = max self.nuvStripHistEqual = 0B ENDELSE RETURN, 1 END FUNCTION GALEXSpectrum::GSViewerTable, fuvLimit=fuvLimit, nuvLimit=nuvLimit, $ radiusLimit=radiusLimit IF N_ELEMENTS( radiusLimit ) EQ 0 THEN radiusLimit = 1.5 gsp = *self.ptrGsp struct = { id: 0L, $ ra: 0.d, $ dec: 0.d, $ fuv: !VALUES.F_NAN, $ nuv: !VALUES.F_NAN, $ color: !VALUES.F_NAN, $ fuv_quality: -1, $ nuv_quality: -1, $ redshift: !VALUES.F_NAN, $ fuv_snr: !VALUES.F_NAN, $ nuv_snr: !VALUES.F_NAN, $ fuv_fwhm: !VALUES.F_NAN, $ nuv_fwhm: !VALUES.F_NAN, $ radius: !VALUES.F_NAN, $ GGOID_1: 0UL, $ GGOID_2: 0UL, $ Notable: 0B } ; Convert limits from magnitude limits to flux limits. IF N_ELEMENTS( fuvLimit ) EQ 1 THEN fuvLimit = 10^(0.4*(18.82 - fuvLimit)) $ ELSE fuvLimit = -100. IF N_ELEMENTS( nuvLimit ) EQ 1 THEN nuvLimit = 10^(0.4*(20.08 - nuvLimit)) $ ELSE nuvLimit = -100. ; Compute radius from center of field. radius = self->AngularSeparation( gsp.alpha_j2000 * !DTOR, gsp.delta_j2000 * !DTOR, $ self.ra0 * !DTOR, self.dec0 * !DTOR ) * !RADEG keep = WHERE( fuvLimit LE gsp.fuv AND nuvLimit LE gsp.nuv AND $ radius LE radiusLimit, nKeep ) IF nKeep LT 1 THEN BEGIN MESSAGE, 'Your magnitude and/or radius limits have cut out all the objects.', /info RETURN, -1 ENDIF gsp = gsp[keep] struct = REPLICATE( struct, nKeep ) = struct.ra = gsp.alpha_j2000 struct.dec = gsp.delta_j2000 struct.fuv_snr = gsp.median_s2n[1] struct.nuv_snr = gsp.median_s2n[0] struct.radius = radius[keep] struct.ggoid_1 = gsp.ggoid_d[0] struct.ggoid_2 = gsp.ggoid_d[1] good = WHERE( gsp.fuv NE -99., nGood ) IF nGood GT 0 THEN struct[good].fuv = -2.5*ALOG10( gsp[good].fuv ) + 18.82 good = WHERE( gsp.nuv NE -99., nGood ) IF nGood GT 0 THEN struct[good].nuv = -2.5*ALOG10( gsp[good].nuv ) + 20.08 struct.color = struct.fuv - struct.nuv IF PTR_VALID( self.ptrFuvGsax ) AND PTR_VALID( self.ptrNuvGsax ) THEN BEGIN fuvGsax = *self.ptrFuvGsax nuvGsax = *self.ptrNuvGsax FOR i = 0, N_ELEMENTS( struct ) - 1 DO BEGIN id = WHERE( struct[i].id EQ, count ) IF count EQ 1 THEN BEGIN struct[i].fuv_fwhm = (fuvGsax[id].fwhm GT 0.) ? fuvGsax[id].fwhm : !VALUES.F_NAN struct[i].nuv_fwhm = (nuvGsax[id].fwhm GT 0.) ? nuvGsax[id].fwhm : !VALUES.F_NAN ENDIF ENDFOR ENDIF RETURN, struct END PRO GALEXSpectrum::NewSpectrum, currentIndex=currentIndex, currentSpecID=currentSpecID PTR_FREE, self.ptrFuvStrip, self.ptrNuvStrip, self.ptrFuvStamp, self.ptrNuvStamp PTR_FREE, self.ptrFuvBackground, self.ptrFuvSpectrum PTR_FREE, self.ptrNuvBackground, self.ptrNuvSpectrum IF N_ELEMENTS( currentIndex ) NE 0 THEN BEGIN currentIndex = currentIndex > 0 currentIndex = currentIndex < (N_ELEMENTS( *self.ptrGsp ) - 1) self.currentIndex = currentIndex self.currentSpecID = (*self.ptrGsp)[self.currentIndex].id ENDIF IF N_ELEMENTS( currentSpecID ) NE 0 THEN BEGIN index = WHERE( (*self.ptrGsp).id EQ currentSpecID, n ) IF n EQ 1 THEN BEGIN self.currentSpecID = currentSpecId self.currentIndex = index ENDIF ELSE MESSAGE, 'Oops. Unable to find requested specID in GSP file.', /informational ENDIF x = self->GetStripData( 'FUV' ) x = self->GetStripData( 'NUV' ) x = self->ComputeBackground( 'FUV' ) x = self->ComputeBackground( 'NUV' ) END PRO GALEXSpectrum::NextSpectrum self->NewSpectrum, currentIndex=(self.currentIndex + 1) END FUNCTION GALEXSpectrum::OpenPrcFile, file, offset=offset, skip=skip IF NOT FILE_TEST( file ) THEN RETURN, -1 OPENR, unit, file, /get_lun status = FXMOVE( unit, 1, /silent ) POINT_LUN, -unit, offset status = FXMOVE( unit, 1, /silent ) POINT_LUN, -unit, loc skip = loc - offset RETURN, unit END PRO GALEXSpectrum::PlotBackground, noerase=noerase, position=position IF NOT PTR_VALID( self.ptrFuvBackground ) THEN x = self->ComputeBackground( 'FUV' ) IF NOT PTR_VALID( self.ptrNuvBackground ) THEN x = self->ComputeBackground( 'NUV' ) IF N_ELEMENTS( position ) EQ 0 THEN position=[0.1, 0.1, 0.95, 0.95] IF !D.NAME EQ 'PS' THEN thick = 2. ELSE thick = 1. height = position[3] - position[1] positionNuv = [position[0], position[1] + 0.55*height, position[2], position[3]] positionFuv = [position[0], position[1], position[2], position[1] + 0.45*height] ; NUV IF PTR_VALID( self.ptrNuvBackground ) AND PTR_VALID( self.ptrNuvSpectrum ) THEN BEGIN lambda = 1800 + FINDGEN( 1200 ) background = *self.ptrNuvBackground spectrum = *self.ptrNuvSpectrum yMin = MIN( [background, spectrum], max=yMax ) PLOT, lambda, spectrum, psym=10, xstyle=1, yrange=[0.95*yMin, 1.05*yMax], ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Wavelength (' + STRING( 197B ) + ')', ytitle='Flux (counts/sec)', $ xmargin=[15, 3], position=positionNuv, noerase=noerase, thick=thick, $ xthick=thick, ythick=thick OPLOT, lambda, background, psym=10, color=fsc_color( 'Red' ), thick=thick OPLOT, lambda, REPLICATE( MEDIAN( background ), N_ELEMENTS( background ) ), $ color=fsc_color( 'Yellow' ), linestyle=2, thick=thick ; cts = (*self.ptrGsp)[self.currentIndex].nuv ; PRINT, cts, N_ELEMENTS( lambda ) ; IF cts NE -99. THEN $ ; OPLOT, !X.CRANGE, [cts, cts], color=fsc_color( 'Blue' ), linestyle=1, thick=thick ; cts = (*self.ptrGsp)[self.currentIndex].nuv1s / 3.5 + $ ; (*self.ptrGsp)[self.currentIndex].background[0] ; OPLOT, !X.CRANGE, [cts, cts], color=fsc_color( 'Blue' ), linestyle=1, thick=thick XYOUTS, 1850., 0.95*yMin + 0.9*(1.05*yMax-0.95*yMin), 'NUV', color=fsc_color( 'Red' ) XYOUTS, 2850, 0.95*yMin + 0.9*(1.05*yMax-0.95*yMin), $ STRING( self.nuvSigmaLarge / self.nuvSigmaSmall, format='(%"%8.2f")' ), $ color=fsc_color( 'Yellow' ) ENDIF ; FUV IF PTR_VALID( self.ptrFuvBackground ) AND PTR_VALID( self.ptrFuvSpectrum ) THEN BEGIN lambda = 1400 + FINDGEN( 400 ) background = *self.ptrFuvBackground spectrum = *self.ptrFuvSpectrum yMin = MIN( [background, spectrum], max=yMax ) PLOT, lambda, spectrum, psym=10, xstyle=1, yrange=[0.95*yMin, 1.05*yMax], ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Wavelength (' + STRING( 197B ) + ')', ytitle='Flux (counts/sec)', $ xmargin=[15, 3], position=positionFuv, /noerase, thick=thick, $ xthick=thick, ythick=thick OPLOT, lambda, background, psym=10, color=fsc_color( 'Red' ) OPLOT, lambda, REPLICATE( MEDIAN( background ), N_ELEMENTS( background ) ), $ color=fsc_color( 'Yellow' ), linestyle=2, thick=thick ; cts = (*self.ptrGsp)[self.currentIndex].fuv2s / 3.5 ; OPLOT, !X.CRANGE, [cts, cts], color=fsc_color( 'Blue' ), linestyle=1, thick=thick XYOUTS, 1420., 0.95*yMin + 0.9*(1.05*yMax-0.95*yMin), 'FUV', color=fsc_color( 'Blue' ) XYOUTS, 1750, 0.95*yMin + 0.9*(1.05*yMax-0.95*yMin), $ STRING( self.fuvSigmaLarge / self.fuvSigmaSmall, format='(%"%8.2f")' ), $ color=fsc_color( 'Yellow' ) ENDIF END PRO GALEXSpectrum::PlotImage, band, width, histEqual=histEqual, limits=limits, $ noerase=noerase, position=position, scalebar=scalebar IF NOT KEYWORD_SET( noerase ) THEN ERASE IF NOT PTR_VALID( self.ptrFuvHdr ) THEN RETURN IF NOT PTR_VALID( self.ptrNuvHdr ) THEN RETURN IF NOT PTR_VALID( self.ptrFuvStamp ) THEN x = self->GetStampData( 'FUV', width ) IF NOT PTR_VALID( self.ptrNuvStamp ) THEN x = self->GetStampData( 'NUV', width ) IF band EQ 'FUV' THEN BEGIN IF NOT PTR_VALID( self.ptrFuvStamp ) THEN RETURN stamp = *self.ptrFuvStamp min = self.fuvStampMin max = self.fuvStampMax self.fuvStampHistEqual = KEYWORD_SET( histEqual ) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF NOT PTR_VALID( self.ptrNuvStamp ) THEN RETURN stamp = *self.ptrNuvStamp min = self.nuvStampMin max = self.nuvStampMax self.nuvStampHistEqual = KEYWORD_SET( histEqual ) ENDELSE IF KEYWORD_SET( histEqual ) THEN BEGIN stamp = HIST_EQUAL( stamp ) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF N_ELEMENTS( limits ) EQ 2 THEN BEGIN m0 = limits[0]*(max - min) + min m1 = limits[1]*(max - min) + min ENDIF ELSE BEGIN m0 = min m1 = max ENDELSE IF m0 LT m1 THEN BEGIN stamp = BYTSCL( stamp, min=m0, max=m1 ) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN stamp = BYTSCL( stamp, min=m1, max=m0 ) stamp = 255B - stamp ENDELSE ENDELSE TVIMAGE, stamp, position=position, /keep_aspect_ratio, /nointerpolation IF band EQ 'FUV' THEN BEGIN XYOUTS, position[0] + 0.1*(position[2]-position[0]), $ position[1] + 0.9*(position[3]-position[1]), $ 'FUV', /normal, color=fsc_color( 'Blue' ), charsize=2., charthick=2. ENDIF ELSE BEGIN XYOUTS, position[0] + 0.1*(position[2]-position[0]), $ position[1] + 0.9*(position[3]-position[1]), $ 'NUV', /normal, color=fsc_color( 'Red' ), charsize=2., charthick=2. ENDELSE IF KEYWORD_SET( scalebar ) THEN BEGIN sz = SIZE( stamp ) arcsecPerNorm = 1.5 * sz[1] / (position[2] - position[0]) x0 = position[0] + 0.1 * (position[2]-position[0]) x1 = x0 + scalebar / arcsecPerNorm y0 = position[1] + 0.1 * (position[3]-position[1]) y1 = position[1] + 0.07 * (position[3]-position[1]) PLOTS, [x0, x1], [y0, y0], /normal, thick=2., color=fsc_color( 'Red' ) XYOUTS, 0.5 * (x0+x1), y1, STRING( scalebar, format='(%"%4.1f\"")' ), alignment=0.5, $ /normal, color=fsc_color( 'Red' ) ENDIF END PRO GALEXSpectrum::PlotImageStrip, band, annotate=annotate, histEqual=histEqual, $ limits=limits, noerase=noerase, position=position IF band EQ 'FUV' THEN BEGIN IF NOT PTR_VALID( self.ptrFuvStrip ) THEN x = self->GetStripData( 'FUV' ) IF NOT PTR_VALID( self.ptrFuvStrip ) THEN RETURN strip = *self.ptrFuvStrip lambda = 1300. + FINDGEN( 8 )*100. min = self.fuvStripMin max = self.fuvStripMax self.fuvStripHistEqual = KEYWORD_SET( histEqual ) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF NOT PTR_VALID( self.ptrNuvStrip ) THEN x = self->GetStripData( 'NUV' ) IF NOT PTR_VALID( self.ptrNuvStrip ) THEN RETURN strip = *self.ptrNuvStrip lambda = 1700. + FINDGEN( 14 )*100. min = self.nuvStripMin max = self.nuvStripMax self.nuvStripHistEqual = KEYWORD_SET( histEqual ) ENDELSE IF min EQ max THEN RETURN sz = SIZE( strip ) PLOT, FINDGEN( sz[1] ), FINDGEN( sz[2] ), /nodata, xstyle=1, ystyle=1, /isotropic, $ position=position, noerase=noerase good = WHERE( FINITE( strip[*, 0:sz[2]-2] ), nGood ) IF nGood LT 100 THEN RETURN IF KEYWORD_SET( histEqual ) THEN BEGIN strip = HIST_EQUAL( strip ) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF N_ELEMENTS( limits ) EQ 2 THEN BEGIN m0 = limits[0]*(max - min) + min m1 = limits[1]*(max - min) + min ENDIF ELSE BEGIN m0 = min m1 = max ENDELSE IF m0 LT m1 THEN BEGIN strip = BYTSCL( strip, min=m0, max=m1 ) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN strip = BYTSCL( strip, min=m1, max=m0 ) strip = 255B - strip ENDELSE ENDELSE TVIMAGE, strip, /overplot, /nointerpolation IF KEYWORD_SET( annotate ) THEN BEGIN PLOT, FINDGEN( sz[1] ), FINDGEN( sz[2] ), /nodata, /noerase, xstyle=1, ystyle=1, $ /isotropic, position=position, xtitle='Spectral Direction (arcsec)', $ ytitle='Spatial Direction (arcsec)' self->AnnotateImageStrip, band, lambda ENDIF END PRO GALEXSpectrum::PlotProfile, noerase=noerase, position=position IF N_ELEMENTS( position ) EQ 0 THEN position = [0.1, 0.1, 0.95, 0.95] IF !D.NAME EQ 'PS' THEN thick = 2. ELSE thick = 1. width = position[2] - position[0] positionFuv = [position[0], position[1], position[0] + 0.42*width, position[3]] positionNuv = [position[0] + 0.58*width, position[1], position[2], position[3]] ; FUV IF PTR_VALID( self.ptrFuvStrip ) THEN BEGIN strip = *self.ptrFuvStrip sz = SIZE( strip ) p0 = MEDIAN( strip[200:299, 0:sz[2]-2], dimension=1 ) p1 = MEDIAN( strip[300:399, 0:sz[2]-2], dimension=1 ) p2 = MEDIAN( strip[400:499, 0:sz[2]-2], dimension=1 ) yMin = MIN( [p0, p1, p2], max=yMax ) PLOT, p0, psym=10, yrange=[0.95*yMin, 1.05*yMax], ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Spatial Direction (arcsec)', noerase=noerase, position=positionFuv, $ thick=thick, xthick=thick, ythick=thick OPLOT, p0, psym=10, color=fsc_color( 'Blue' ), thick=thick OPLOT, p1, psym=10, color=fsc_color( 'Green' ), thick=thick OPLOT, p2, psym=10, color=fsc_color( 'Red' ), thick=thick XYOUTS, 10, !Y.CRANGE[0] + 0.9*(!Y.CRANGE[1]-!Y.CRANGE[0]), 'FUV', $ color=fsc_color( 'Blue' ) y = !Y.CRANGE[0] + 0.05*(!Y.CRANGE[1]-!Y.CRANGE[0]) PLOTS, [0, 27], [y, y], color=fsc_color( 'Yellow' ), thick=thick PLOTS, [53, 79], [y, y], color=fsc_color( 'Yellow' ), thick=thick ENDIF ; NUV IF PTR_VALID( self.ptrNuvStrip ) THEN BEGIN strip = *self.ptrNuvStrip sz = SIZE( strip ) p0 = MEDIAN( strip[150:233, 0:sz[2]-2], dimension=1 ) p1 = MEDIAN( strip[234:317, 0:sz[2]-2], dimension=1 ) p2 = MEDIAN( strip[318:399, 0:sz[2]-2], dimension=1 ) yMin = MIN( [p0, p1, p2], max=yMax ) PLOT, p0, psym=10, yrange=[0.95*yMin, 1.05*yMax], ystyle=1, $ xtitle='Spatial Direction (arcsec)', /noerase, position=positionNuv, $ thick=thick, xthick=thick, ythick=thick OPLOT, p0, psym=10, color=fsc_color( 'Blue' ), thick=thick OPLOT, p1, psym=10, color=fsc_color( 'Green' ), thick=thick OPLOT, p2, psym=10, color=fsc_color( 'Red' ), thick=thick XYOUTS, 10, !Y.CRANGE[0] + 0.9*(!Y.CRANGE[1]-!Y.CRANGE[0]), 'NUV', color=fsc_color( 'Red' ) y = !Y.CRANGE[0] + 0.05*(!Y.CRANGE[1]-!Y.CRANGE[0]) PLOTS, [0, 27], [y, y], color=fsc_color( 'Yellow' ), thick=thick PLOTS, [53, 79], [y, y], color=fsc_color( 'Yellow' ), thick=thick ENDIF !P.MULTI = 0 END PRO GALEXSpectrum::PlotSpectrum, autoScale=autoScale, fnu=fnu, limits=limits, $ noerase=noerase, position=position, subtitle=subtitle, smooth=smooth, title=title spec = (*self.ptrGsp)[self.currentIndex] lambda = + FINDGEN( spec.numpt + 1 ) * spec.disp flux = spec.obj * (6.6e-27 * 3.e18 / lambda) err = spec.objerr * (6.6e-27 * 3.e18 / lambda) xtitle = 'Wavelength (' + STRING( 197B ) + ')' ytitle = 'Flux Density (ergs cm!U-2!N s!U-1!N ' + STRING( 197B ) + '!U-1!N)' IF !D.NAME EQ 'PS' THEN thick = 2. ELSE thick = 1. IF KEYWORD_SET( fnu ) THEN BEGIN factor = lambda^2 / 3.e18 flux *= factor err *= factor ytitle = 'Flux Density (ergs cm!U-2!N s!U-1!N Hz!U-1!N)' ENDIF IF N_ELEMENTS( smooth ) NE 0 THEN BEGIN IF smooth GT 1 THEN flux = SMOOTH( flux, smooth, /edge_truncate ) ENDIF IF KEYWORD_SET( autoScale ) THEN BEGIN x0 = MIN( lambda, max=x1 ) good = WHERE( (1450. LE lambda AND lambda LE 1700.) OR $ (2000. LE lambda AND lambda LE 2800.), n ) med = MEDIAN( flux[good] ) sigma = STDDEV( flux[good], /double ) y0 = (med - 3.*sigma) < 0. y1 = med + 7.*sigma limits = [x0, y0, x1, y1] ENDIF ELSE IF N_ELEMENTS( limits ) NE 4 THEN BEGIN x0 = MIN( lambda, max=x1 ) y0 = MIN( flux, max=y1 ) limits = [x0, y0, x1, y1] ENDIF PLOT, lambda, flux, psym=10, noerase=noerase, $ xrange=[limits[0], limits[2]], xstyle=1, xmargin=[15, 3], xtitle=xtitle, $ yrange=[limits[1], limits[3]], ystyle=1, ymargin=[4, 4], ytitle=ytitle, $ position=position, subtitle=subtitle, thick=thick, title=title, $ xthick=thick, ythick=thick OPLOT, lambda, err, psym=10, color=fsc_color( 'Red' ), thick=thick OPLOT, !X.CRANGE, [0., 0.], linestyle=2, color=fsc_color( 'Yellow' ), thick=thick END PRO GALEXSpectrum::PlotSummary, infoString=infoString IF N_ELEMENTS( infoString ) EQ 0 THEN infoString='' ERASE XYOUTS, 0.1, 0.97, infoString, alignment=0., /normal self->PlotSpectrum, /autoscale, /noerase, position=[0.1, 0.7, 0.5, 0.95] LOADCT, 0, /silent self->PlotImage, 'FUV', 60./3600., /noerase, position=[0.55, 0.7, 0.75, 0.9], scalebar=10. LOADCT, 0, /silent self->PlotImage, 'NUV', 60./3600., /noerase, position=[0.75, 0.7, 0.95, 0.9], scalebar=10. self->PlotBackground, /noerase, position=[0.1, 0.45, 0.5, 0.65] self->PlotProfile, /noerase, position=[0.57, 0.45, 0.97, 0.65] LOADCT, 0, /silent self->PlotImageStrip, 'NUV', /noerase, position=[0.1, 0.25, 0.95, 0.45], /annotate, /histEqual LOADCT, 0, /silent self->PlotImageStrip, 'FUV', /noerase, position=[0.1, 0.05, 0.95, 0.25], /annotate, /histEqual END PRO GALEXSpectrum::PreviousSpectrum self->NewSpectrum, currentIndex=(self.currentIndex - 1) END FUNCTION GALEXSpectrum::WavelengthToOffset, band, order, lambda IF band EQ 'FUV' THEN BEGIN CASE order OF 1: coeff = [-4.288e3, 6.719, -3.643e-3, 6.897e-7] 2: coeff = [-4.531e3, 7.386, -3.925e-3, 7.475e-7] 3: coeff = [-4.466e3, 7.484, -3.863e-3, 7.356e-7] 4: coeff = [-4.373e3, 7.464, -3.681e-3, 6.890e-7] ELSE: coeff=[0., 0., 0., 0.] ENDCASE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN CASE order OF 1: coeff = [-8.821e2, 7.936e-1, -2.038e-4, 2.456e-8] 2: coeff = [-8.142e2, 9.161e-1, -1.638e-4, 1.867e-8] 3: coeff = [-9.182e2, 1.239, -2.330e-4, 2.859e-8] ELSE: coeff=[0., 0., 0., 0.] ENDCASE ENDELSE RETURN, coeff[0] + coeff[1]*lambda + coeff[2]*lambda^2 + coeff[3]*lambda^3 END ; Below here are the standard required IDL object routines. PRO GALEXSpectrum::CleanUp PTR_FREE, self.ptrGsp, self.ptrFuvGsax, self.ptrNuvGsax, self.ptrFuvStrip, self.ptrNuvStrip PTR_FREE, self.ptrFuvImg, self.ptrFuvHdr, self.ptrNuvImg, self.ptrNuvHdr PTR_FREE, self.ptrFuvStamp, self.ptrNuvStamp PTR_FREE, self.ptrFuvBackground, self.ptrFuvSpectrum PTR_FREE, self.ptrNuvBackground, self.ptrNuvSpectrum IF self.fuvPrcUnit GT 0 THEN FREE_LUN, self.fuvPrcUnit IF self.nuvPrcUnit GT 0 THEN FREE_LUN, self.nuvPrcUnit END PRO GALEXSpectrum::GetProperty, currentIndex=currentIndex, currentSpecID=currentSpecID, $ fuvImageStrip=fuvImageStrip, fuvSigmaSmall=fuvSigmaSmall, fuvSigmaLarge=fuvSigmaLarge, $ nuvImageStrip=nuvImageStrip, nuvSigmaSmall=nuvSigmaSmall, nuvSigmaLarge=nuvSigmaLarge, $ ra0=ra0, dec0=dec0, tile=tile IF ARG_PRESENT( currentIndex ) THEN currentIndex = self.currentIndex IF ARG_PRESENT( currentSpecID ) THEN currentSpecID = self.currentSpecID IF ARG_PRESENT( fuvImageStrip ) THEN fuvImageStrip = *self.ptrFuvStrip IF ARG_PRESENT( fuvSigmaLarge ) THEN fuvSigmaLarge = self.fuvSigmaLarge IF ARG_PRESENT( fuvSigmaSmall ) THEN fuvSigmaSmall = self.fuvSigmaSmall IF ARG_PRESENT( nuvImageStrip ) THEN nuvImageStrip = *self.ptrNuvStrip IF ARG_PRESENT( nuvSigmaLarge ) THEN nuvSigmaLarge = self.nuvSigmaLarge IF ARG_PRESENT( nuvSigmaSmall ) THEN nuvSigmaSmall = self.nuvSigmaSmall IF ARG_PRESENT( ra0 ) THEN ra0 = self.ra0 IF ARG_PRESENT( dec0 ) THEN dec0 = self.dec0 IF ARG_PRESENT( tile ) THEN tile = self.tile END PRO GALEXSpectrum::SetProperty, currentIndex=currentIndex, currentSpecID=currentSpecID IF N_ELEMENTS( currentIndex ) NE 0 THEN self->NewSpectrum, currentIndex=currentIndex IF N_ELEMENTS( currentSpecID ) NE 0 THEN self->NewSpectrum, currentSpecID=currentSpecID END FUNCTION GALEXSpectrum::Init, grismPath, imagePath, noStamp=noStamp, visit=visit self.grismPath = grismPath self.imagePath = imagePath ; Get the 1D spectra. gspFile = FILE_SEARCH( self.grismPath + '*-xg-gsp.fits', count=n ) IF n NE 1 THEN BEGIN MESSAGE, 'Oops. Either too few or too many GSP files found.', /informational RETURN, 0 ENDIF hdr = HEADFITS( gspFile[0] ) self.tile = STRTRIM( FXPAR( hdr, 'TILENAME' ), 2 ) self.ra0 = FXPAR( hdr, 'RAO' ) self.dec0 = FXPAR( hdr, 'DECO' ) gsp = MRDFITS( gspFile[0], 1, /silent ) self.ptrGsp = PTR_NEW( gsp, /no_copy ) ; Open the PRC or PRI files. IF KEYWORD_SET( visit ) THEN $ fuvPrcFile = FILE_SEARCH( self.grismPath + '*-fg-pri.fits', count=n ) $ ELSE fuvPrcFile = FILE_SEARCH( self.grismPath + '*-fg-prc.fits', count=n ) IF n EQ 1 THEN BEGIN self.fuvPrcUnit = self->OpenPrcFile( fuvPrcFile, offset=offset, skip=skip ) self.fuvOffset = offset self.fuvSkip = skip ENDIF ELSE BEGIN MESSAGE, 'Oops. Either too few or too many FUV PRI/PRC files found.', /informational ENDELSE IF KEYWORD_SET( visit ) THEN $ nuvPrcFile = FILE_SEARCH( self.grismPath + '*-ng-pri.fits', count=n ) $ ELSE nuvPrcFile = FILE_SEARCH( self.grismPath + '*-ng-prc.fits', count=n ) IF n EQ 1 THEN BEGIN self.nuvPrcUnit = self->OpenPrcFile( nuvPrcFile, offset=offset, skip=skip ) self.nuvOffset = offset self.nuvSkip = skip ENDIF ELSE BEGIN MESSAGE, 'Oops. Either too few or too many NUV PRI/PRC files found.', /informational ENDELSE ; Open the GSAX files. fuvGsaxFile = FILE_SEARCH( self.grismPath + '*-fg-gsax.fits', count=n ) IF n EQ 1 THEN BEGIN tmp = MRDFITS( fuvGsaxFile[0], 1, /silent ) self.ptrFuvGsax = PTR_NEW( tmp, /no_copy ) ENDIF nuvGsaxFile = FILE_SEARCH( self.grismPath + '*-ng-gsax.fits', count=n ) IF n EQ 1 THEN BEGIN tmp = MRDFITS( nuvGsaxFile[0], 1, /silent ) self.ptrNuvGsax = PTR_NEW( tmp, /no_copy ) ENDIF ; Open the direct images, unless we shouldn't. IF NOT KEYWORD_SET( noStamp ) THEN BEGIN fuvImgFile = FILE_SEARCH( self.imagePath + '*-fd-int.fits.gz', count=n ) IF n NE 1 THEN BEGIN MESSAGE, 'Oops. Either too few or too many FUV image files found.', /informational RETURN, 0 ENDIF fuvImg = MRDFITS( fuvImgFile[0], 0, fuvHdr, /silent ) self.ptrFuvImg = PTR_NEW( fuvImg, /no_copy ) self.ptrFuvHdr = PTR_NEW( fuvHdr, /no_copy ) nuvImgFile = FILE_SEARCH( self.imagePath + '*-nd-int.fits.gz', count=n ) IF n NE 1 THEN BEGIN MESSAGE, 'Oops. Either too few or too many NUV image files found.', /informational RETURN, 0 ENDIF nuvImg = MRDFITS( nuvImgFile[0], 0, nuvHdr, /silent ) self.ptrNuvImg = PTR_NEW( nuvImg, /no_copy ) self.ptrNuvHdr = PTR_NEW( nuvHdr, /no_copy ) ENDIF self->SetProperty, currentIndex=0 RETURN, 1 END PRO GALEXSpectrum__define define = { GALEXSpectrum, $ grismPath: '', $ imagePath: '', $ tile: '', $ ra0: 0.d, $ dec0: 0.d, $ ptrGsp: PTR_NEW(), $ ptrFuvGsax: PTR_NEW(), $ ptrNuvGsax: PTR_NEW(), $ fuvPrcUnit: 0, $ fuvOffset: 0L, $ fuvSkip: 0L, $ fuvLambdaOffset: 0., $ nuvPrcUnit: 0, $ nuvOffset: 0L, $ nuvSkip: 0L, $ nuvLambdaOffset: 0., $ ptrFuvStrip: PTR_NEW(), $ ptrNuvStrip: PTR_NEW(), $ ptrFuvImg: PTR_NEW(), $ ptrFuvHdr: PTR_NEW(), $ ptrNuvImg: PTR_NEW(), $ ptrNuvHdr: PTR_NEW(), $ ptrFuvStamp: PTR_NEW(), $ ptrNuvStamp: PTR_NEW(), $ fuvStripMin: 0., $ fuvStripMax: 0., $ fuvStripHistEqual: 0B, $ nuvStripMin: 0., $ nuvStripMax: 0., $ nuvStripHistEqual: 0B, $ fuvStampMin: 0., $ fuvStampMax: 0., $ fuvStampHistEqual: 0B, $ nuvStampMin: 0., $ nuvStampMax: 0., $ nuvStampHistEqual: 0B, $ ptrFuvBackground: PTR_NEW(), $ ptrFuvSpectrum: PTR_NEW(), $ fuvSigmaLarge: 0., $ fuvSigmaSmall: 0., $ ptrNuvBackground: PTR_NEW(), $ ptrNuvSpectrum: PTR_NEW(), $ nuvSigmaLarge: 0., $ nuvSigmaSmall: 0., $ currentSpecID: 0L, $ currentIndex: 0L } END