Example of spectral image strip (-pri.fits) FITS file headers: FITS Header 1: 1: SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard 2: BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel 3: NAXIS = 0 / number of data axes 4: EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions 5: COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy 6: COMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H 7: ROOT = 'ELAISS1_00_0046-ng' / Root name for files 8: SUFFIX = ' ' / Suffix before '.fits' 9: GSAXFILE= '/home/ymir2/galex/tab/01-vsn/06451-ELAISS1_00/g/00-visits/0046-img/&' 10: CONTINUE '06-try/ELAISS1_00_0046-ng-gsax.fits' / Parameter filename 11: PHOFILE = '/home/ymir2/galex/tab/01-vsn/06451-ELAISS1_00/g/00-visits/0046-img/&' 12: CONTINUE '06-try/ELAISS1_00_0046-ng-raw6.fits' / Photon filename 13: ASPFILE = '/home/ymir2/galex/tab/01-vsn/06451-ELAISS1_00/g/00-visits/0046-img/&' 14: CONTINUE '06-try/ELAISS1_00_0046-asprta.fits' / Aspect (-asp.rec) filename 15: SCSTFILE= '/home/ymir2/galex/tab/01-vsn/06451-ELAISS1_00/g/00-visits/0046-img/&' 16: CONTINUE '06-try/ELAISS1_00_0046-scst.fits' / Spacecraft State file. 17: RRHRFILE= '/home/ymir2/galex/tab/01-vsn/06451-ELAISS1_00/g/00-visits/0046-img/&' 18: CONTINUE '06-try/ELAISS1_00_0046-ng-rrhr.fits.gz' / Response image. 19: SPRRFILE= ' ' / Spectral response cube. 20: OFFSOUFI= ' ' / Offset solution (aspect) only source file 21: SOUFILE = '/home/ymir2/galex/tab/01-vsn/06451-ELAISS1_00/g/00-visits/0046-img/&' 22: CONTINUE '06-try//../../../../d/01-main/use/use/ELAISS1_00-xd-mcat.fits' / Dire 23: NUM_USFI= 0 / Number of additional source files. 24: USOUFILE= ' ' / First additional sources file 25: PRIFILE = '/home/ymir2/galex/tab/01-vsn/06451-ELAISS1_00/g/00-visits/0046-img/&' 26: CONTINUE '06-try/ELAISS1_00_0046-ng-pri.fits' / Image strip filename 27: CALDIR = '/home/ymir2/galex/tab/01-vsn/06451-ELAISS1_00/g/00-visits/0046-img/&' 28: CONTINUE '06-try/cal/' / Calibration directory 29: OFFSETFI= ' ' / Offset file, old -gsax.fits 30: LXSFILE = ' ' / Not used 31: OBJECT = 'ELAISS1_00_0046' / Object or field name 32: OBSDATIM= '040921T024904Z' / Observation date and time (UT) 33: OBS-DATE= '2004-09-21' / Observation date (UT) 34: TIME-OBS= '02:49:04' / Observation time (UT) 35: OBSSECS = 1095734943.995 / Observation time in seconds(unix) 36: EXPSTART= 1095734943.995 / Exposure start (unix seconds) 37: EXPEND = 1095735662.995 / Exposure end (unix seconds) 38: ROLL = 120.991217604852 39: ECLIPSE = 7469 / Eclipse number 40: VISIT = 46 / Visit number 41: SUBVIS = 0 / Sub-visit number 42: TILENUM = 6451 43: TILENAME= 'ELAISS1_00' 44: EXPTIME = 719. / Individual exposure time 45: TOTTIME = 719. / Total exposure time 46: MASKPAR1= 1. / 1st Masking Param.(galexspac) 47: MASKPAR2= 0. / 2nd Masking Param.(spacadd) 48: MASKPAR3= 0. / 3rd Masking Param.(spacadd) 49: SUBTPAR = 0. / Not used 50: RAO = 9.638574 / RA (planned) center of field (origin) 51: DECO = -43.990234 / DEC (planned) center of field (origin) 52: RA_CENT = 9.638574 / RA (planned) center of field 53: DEC_CENT= -43.990234 / DEC (planned) center of field 54: AVASPRA = 9.61808458079286 / Average aspect RA center of field 55: AVASPDEC= -44.0078746986343 / Average aspect Declination center of field 56: AVASPROL= 121.054192123952 / Average aspect roll angle for center of field 57: NOMFWHM = 5. / Nominal Full Width Half Max 58: PROFWHM = 0. / Profile model Full Width Half Max 59: FLXFRAC = -1. / Flux fraction extracted (via profile model) 60: NOMOBJW = -1. / Nominal object width (extraction window) 61: GRSPAFIT= 246.580225428101 / Current (fitted) grism angle 62: GRSPA = 246.507217604852 / Original grism angle 63: GRSPAORG= 246.507217604852 / Original grism angle 64: GRSPADIF= 0.0730078232486733 / Difference: new-original 65: DGA = 215.589004516602 / Detector Grism Angle (90+grspa-roll) 66: FIELDRAD= 1. / Field radius in degrees 67: SXOFF = 0.000503981485962868 / Direct Source X offset(arcsec) 68: SYOFF = 0.0957004129886627 / Direct Source Y offset(arcsec) 69: STWIST = 0.00396823463961482 / Direct Source Twist (degrees) 70: SXORMS = 0.673711776733398 / X offset RMS (arcsec) 71: SYORMS = 0.201991945505142 / Y offset RMS (arcsec) 72: STWRES = 0.498437792062759 / Twist median residual (arcsec) 73: SGOOD = 33. / Number of good stars used in offset fit. 74: SXOITRMS= 0.0252123884856701 / X offset iteration RMS (arcsec) 75: SYOITRMS= 0.00574304675683379 / Y offset iteration RMS (arcsec) 76: STWITRMS= 0.00136003736406565 / Twist iteration RMS (arcsec) 77: SNUMBER = 33 / Number of bright stars used for offset solution 78: SMDNRES = 0.775764405727386 / Offset solution median residual (arcsec) 79: SMDNFWHM= 5.46393156051636 / Median FWHM in offset solution (arcsec) 80: SMDNBKDF= 0.076421245932579 / Median background diff. ratio offset sol. 81: PEAK2MDN= 1.17045307159424 / Peak divided by median in 2-D search grid 82: SRCHITER= 1 / 2-D search iterations (finding offset) 83: FURES = 0.117827765643597 / Full residual of offset values (arcsec) 84: GS_DRA = 0 / Delta RA (deg) from galexspac offset solution 85: GS_DDEC = 0 / Delta DEC (deg) from galexspac offset solution 86: GS_TWIST= 0 / Twist (deg) from galexspac offset solution 87: DIFFAIL = 0. / Aspect solution difference failure. 88: DIFGRSPA= 0.040130615234375 / GRSPA difference relative to _rtastar run. 89: DIFXOFF = 0.000503981485962868 / SXOFF difference relative to _rtastar run. 90: DIFYOFF = 0.0957004129886627 / SYOFF difference relative to _rtastar run. 91: DIFTWIST= 0.00396823463961482 / STWIST difference relative to _rtastar run. 92: DIFMDNRE= 0. / SMDNRES difference relative to _rtastar run. 93: DIFMDNFW= 0. / SMDNFWHM difference relative to _rtastar run. 94: DIFNUMBE= 0 / SNUMBER difference relative to _rtastar run. 95: RADIUSCU= 0.6 / Source list radius cutoff 96: MAXCOLSI= 901 / Max. columns in sub-images 97: MAXROWSI= 80 / Max. rows in sub-images 98: MDNBCK = 0 / Use median background, not average 99: CLOBBER = 1 / Overwrite previous data 100: QADIR = '/home/ymir2/galex/tab/01-vsn/06451-ELAISS1_00/g/00-visits/0046-img/&' 101: CONTINUE '06-try/qa/' / QA directory for galexspac 102: TOP = -99 / Source list cutoff (each band) 103: TOPMASK = -99 / Source list masking cutoff (each band) 104: SELECT = 1000 / Source list cutoff (both bands) 105: SELMASK = 2000 / Source list masking cutoff (both bands) 106: COAEXPT = -1. / Estimated total coadd exposure time (sec) 107: S2NLIM0 = 3. / Limit NUV selection to S/N per resel.elem. 108: S2NLIM1 = 2. / Limit FUV selection to S/N per resel.elem. 109: S2NMSK0 = 1.5 / Limit NUV mask selection to S/N per resel.elem. 110: S2NMSK1 = 1. / Limit FUV mask selection to S/N per resel.elem. 111: EXTFLX0 = 0.315877228975296 / Smallest NUV flux extracted. 112: EXTFLX1 = 0.0479179993271828 / Smallest FUV flux extracted. 113: MSKFLX0 = 0.178517073392868 / Smallest NUV flux masked. 114: MSKFLX1 = 0.0263999160379171 / Smallest FUV flux masked. 115: EXTMAG0 = 21.331204201198 / Smallest NUV AB Magnitude extracted. 116: EXTMAG1 = 22.1187533072701 / Smallest FUV AB Magnitude extracted. 117: MSKMAG0 = 21.9508006039814 / Smallest NUV AB Magnitude masked. 118: MSKMAG1 = 22.7659936358867 / Smallest FUV AB Magnitude masked. 119: EXTS2N0 = -999. / Smallest NUV S/N per resel.elem. extracted. 120: EXTS2N1 = -999. / Smallest FUV S/N per resel.elem. extracted. 121: MSKS2N0 = -999. / Smallest NUV S/N per resel.elem. masked. 122: MSKS2N1 = -999. / Smallest FUV S/N per resel.elem. masked. 123: TOTNUMEX= 1 / Total number of exposures 124: FINDOFFS= 1 / Flag to find offsets 125: BANDNUM = 1 / Band number (1=NUV,2=FUV) 126: BAND = 1 / Band (1=nuv,2=fuv,3=both) 127: BANDNAME= 'NUV ' / band name 128: ACCBOXTY= 0 / not used 129: RESPONE = 0 / Flag image response of 1.0 130: RESPWONE= 1 / Flag wave-image response of 1.0 131: VAREXTR = 0 / Flag for variable extraction window 132: N_CUJ = 33.6539993286133 / NUV conversion: pho/sec to micro-Janskys 133: F_CUJ = 107.93399810791 / FUV conversion: pho/sec to micro-Janskys 134: R2 = 10. / R2 radius in arcsec for nuv_nc_r2 column 135: FILETYPE= 6 / File type code 136: TOTNUMPH= 10574316 / Total number of photons read 137: ENTNUMPH= 10574316 / Entire number of photons 138: ACTNUMPH= 9806533 / Actual number of photons used. 139: NUMSOURC= 2000 / Total number of sources 140: ECOUNT = 1000 / Number of spectrally extracted sources 141: SUBCOUNT= 0 / Subset of spectrally extracted sources 142: RADRAD = 0.000304617436543849 / Radius of field squared 143: FILENAME= '/home/ymir2/galex/tab/01-vsn/06451-ELAISS1_00/g/00-visits/0046-img/&' 144: CONTINUE '06-try/ELAISS1_00_0046-ng-gsax.fits' / this filename 145: SPACVERS= 'Using galexspac version=7.01 (25jan08)' / Version of galexspac.c 146: DIRECTRY= '/home/ymir2/galex/tab/01-vsn/06451-ELAISS1_00/g/00-visits/0046-img/&' 147: CONTINUE '06-try/ ' 148: VSN = 1 / Reduction version (high level) 149: TYPE = 0 / Observation type (0=single,1=multi) 150: OW = 2 / Optics wheel (1=drct,2=grsm,3=opaq) 151: PROD = 0 / Reduction product number (type) 152: IMG = 46 / Image number (exposure or run) 153: TRY = 6 / Reduction try number (low level) 154: VSN_D = 1 / Direct Reduction version (high level) 155: TILE_D = 6451 / Direct Tile number (field or target) 156: TYPE_D = 0 / Direct Observation type (0=single,1=multi) 157: OW_D = 1 / Direct Optics wheel (1=drct,2=grsm,3=opaq) 158: PROD_D = 1 / Direct Reduction product number (type) 159: IMG_D = 1 / Direct Image number (exposure or run) 160: TRY_D = 6 / Direct Reduction try number (low level) 161: BAND_D = 3 / Direct Band (1=nuv,2=fuv,3=both) 162: ASPDATE = '2008-02-27T21:34:04' / Unix file time of aspect file (UTC) (-asp_rta) 163: STG1DATE= '2008-02-27T21:29:56' / FITS creation of stage1 file (-gsax_rtastar) 164: MCATDATE= '2008-01-10T04:02:50' / FITS creation of source list file (-mcat) 165: GSAXDATE= ' ' / FITS creation of parameter file (-gsax) 166: BSID = '4561, 4639, 4665, 5244, 5497, 6348, 6614, 6632, 6775, 6808, 7194, 7&' 167: CONTINUE '264, 7756, 8413, 8474, 8576' / Bright source IDs 168: LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0' 169: COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are continued 170: COMMENT over multiple keywords. This convention uses the character at the end 171: COMMENT of a string which is then continued on subsequent keywords whose name = 172: COMMENT 'CONTINUE'. 173: DATE = '2008-02-27T21:44:33' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT) 174: PHOF0001= '/home/ymir2/galex/tab/01-vsn/06451-ELAISS1_00/g/00-visits/0046-img/&' 175: CONTINUE '06-try/ELAISS1_00_0046-ng-raw6.fits' 176: PRIF0001= '/home/ymir2/galex/tab/01-vsn/06451-ELAISS1_00/g/00-visits/0046-img/&' 177: CONTINUE '06-try/ELAISS1_00_0046-ng-pri.fits' 178: OBDT0001= '040921T024904Z' 179: OBSS0001= 1095734943.995 / Observation time in seconds (unix) 180: EXPT0001= 719. / Visit exposure time in seconds. 181: ROLL0001= 120.991217604852 / Spacecraft roll angle 182: GRSM0001= 246.580225428101 / Grism angle in degrees 183: VIS0001 = 46 / Visit number (image) 184: SUBV0001= 0 / Sub-visit number 185: ECL0001 = 7469 / Eclipse (orbit) number 186: GRELEASE= 'ops-v6_1_1' 187: ABSCAL = '/home/galex/cal/targ/cal04.01' 188: CALINFO = '/home/ymir2/galex/tab/01-vsn/06451-ELAISS1_00/g/00-visits/0046-img/&' 189: CONTINUE '06-try/ELAISS1_00_0046-calinfo.txt' 190: STATFILE= '/home/ymir2/galex/tab/01-vsn/06451-ELAISS1_00/g/00-visits/0046-img/&' 191: CONTINUE '06-try/ELAISS1_00_0046-status.txt' 192: ABSPIPE = '/home/ymir2/galex/tab/01-vsn/06451-ELAISS1_00/g/00-visits/0046-img/&' 193: CONTINUE '06-try/ ' 194: PRUNDAT0= '080227T213856Z' 195: PRUNDAT1= '080227T215019Z' 196: NLEGS = 0 197: MPSTYPE = 'WSS ' 198: MPSPLAN = 'deep ' 199: MPSPHASE= 'G2 ' 200: PLANID = 6453 201: MPSCOW = 'g ' 202: NHVNOM = 752 203: NHVNOMN = 746 204: NHVNOMF = 752 205: NEXPTIME= 719. 206: FEXPTIME= 719. 207: PIPESTAT= 0 208: END Example of first source spectral image strip header: 1: XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension 2: BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes 3: NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table 4: NAXIS1 = 4 / width of table in bytes 5: NAXIS2 = 72080 / number of rows in table 6: PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area 7: GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) 8: TFIELDS = 2 / number of fields in each row 9: TTYPE1 = 'dat ' / label for field 1 10: TFORM1 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER 11: TUNIT1 = 'photons ' / physical unit of field 12: TTYPE2 = 'rsp ' / label for field 2 13: TFORM2 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER 14: TUNIT2 = 'response' / physical unit of field 15: EXTNAME = 'GALEX_Data_Response_Image_Strips' / name of this binary table extensi 16: PRI_NC = 901 / number of columns in image strips 17: PRI_NR = 80 / number of rows in image strips 18: PRI_ID = 198 / source identifier 19: PRI_TID = 0 / truth list source identifier 20: OBJWIDTH= 10. / object width (arcsec) 21: BCKWIDTH= 78. / background width (arcsec) 22: OBJBCKSE= 6. / obj-bck separation (arcsec) 23: ARCSEC0 = 0. / offset undev. pos. (arcsec) 24: ARCSEC1 = -100. / offset blue bound.(arcsec) 25: ARCSEC2 = 800. / offset red bound.(arcsec) 26: BCKCOLRA= 3 / bck column radius (pixels) 27: SCALE = 1. / scale in arcsec per pixel 28: DATZERO = 0. / zero point for dat values 29: DATSCALE= 0.000183206106870229 / scaling for dat values 30: RSPZERO = 0. / zero point for rsp values 31: RSPSCALE= 0.0220033900137166 / scaling for rsp values 32: EFFEXP = 263.359405517578 / average effective response w/o masks(sec) 33: EFFMSK = 0. / average effective masking masking fraction 34: EFFWGT = 263.359405517578 / average effective response w/masking(sec) 35: RA = 9.6137247094728 / Right Ascension of source. 36: DEC = -44.5732041791311 / Declination of source. 37: NUVMAG = 20.1995010375977 / NUV magnitude (from direct image catalog) 38: FUVMAG = -999. / FUV magnitude (from direct image catalog) 39: DETX = -1166.24690573149 / Detector X position in relative pixels (1.5 as) 40: DETY = 693.472788840399 / Detector Y position in relative pixels (1.5 as) 41: DETMIDX = -1266.61696616219 / Detector X position of middle of primary order 42: DETMIDY = 621.800185425628 / Detector Y position of middle of primary order 43: MID_RA = 9.54750344691746 / RA at position of middle of primary order 44: MID_DEC = -44.5936090419419 / DEC at position of middle of primary order 45: END Example of second source spectral image strip header: 1: XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension 2: BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes 3: NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table 4: NAXIS1 = 4 / width of table in bytes 5: NAXIS2 = 72080 / number of rows in table 6: PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area 7: GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) 8: TFIELDS = 2 / number of fields in each row 9: TTYPE1 = 'dat ' / label for field 1 10: TFORM1 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER 11: TUNIT1 = 'photons ' / physical unit of field 12: TTYPE2 = 'rsp ' / label for field 2 13: TFORM2 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER 14: TUNIT2 = 'response' / physical unit of field 15: EXTNAME = 'GALEX_Data_Response_Image_Strips' / name of this binary table extensi 16: PRI_NC = 901 / number of columns in image strips 17: PRI_NR = 80 / number of rows in image strips 18: PRI_ID = 262 / source identifier 19: PRI_TID = 0 / truth list source identifier 20: OBJWIDTH= 10. / object width (arcsec) 21: BCKWIDTH= 78. / background width (arcsec) 22: OBJBCKSE= 6. / obj-bck separation (arcsec) 23: ARCSEC0 = 0. / offset undev. pos. (arcsec) 24: ARCSEC1 = -100. / offset blue bound.(arcsec) 25: ARCSEC2 = 800. / offset red bound.(arcsec) 26: BCKCOLRA= 3 / bck column radius (pixels) 27: SCALE = 1. / scale in arcsec per pixel 28: DATZERO = 0. / zero point for dat values 29: DATSCALE= 0.000183206106870229 / scaling for dat values 30: RSPZERO = 0. / zero point for rsp values 31: RSPSCALE= 0.0219706583969466 / scaling for rsp values 32: EFFEXP = 191.445755004883 / average effective response w/o masks(sec) 33: EFFMSK = 0.00740386918187141 / average effective masking masking fraction 34: EFFWGT = 186.779937744141 / average effective response w/masking(sec) 35: RA = 9.47581594459102 / Right Ascension of source. 36: DEC = -44.5697942486964 / Declination of source. 37: NUVMAG = 20.010046005249 / NUV magnitude (from direct image catalog) 38: FUVMAG = -999. / FUV magnitude (from direct image catalog) 39: DETX = -1281.03345709796 / Detector X position in relative pixels (1.5 as) 40: DETY = 487.35521879447 / Detector Y position in relative pixels (1.5 as) 41: DETMIDX = -1381.40351752868 / Detector X position of middle of primary order 42: DETMIDY = 415.682615379715 / Detector Y position of middle of primary order 43: MID_RA = 9.40955014687162 / RA at position of middle of primary order 44: MID_DEC = -44.5901201821708 / DEC at position of middle of primary order 45: END Additional headers occur for each spectrally extracted source.