As of March 2008. ............................................................................................................ Low-level pipeline products -- Photon and housekeeping files -asp.fits | FITS table | Satellite attitude solution: Raw spacecraft pointing data using gryo rate data. -aspraw.fits | FITS table | Raw spacecraft pointing data. Not used by the pipeline. -asprta.fits | FITS table | Refined attitude solution: Spacecraft pointing solution after refinement using bright stars in GALEX field of view. -asprta_preref.fits | FITS table | Refined attitude solution: Spacecraft pointing solution after dynamic correction using bright stars in GALEX field of view | before static refinement. -scst.fits | FITS table | Spacecraft state file: Most relevant spacecraft and instrument housekeeping values (e.g. ra_acs, roll_acs, etc.) as a function of time in one second intervals. -[n/f]d-raw6.fits | FITS table | Raw photon data: this file is not released; see -x.fits file. -[n/f]d-x.fits | FITS table | Extended photon record with photon times and positions. (Not delivered automatically, must be requested.) ............................................................................................................ Images -- Maps and associated files -[n/f]d-cnt.fits | FITS image | Count map (J2000): photons per (1.5 arcsecond) pixel corrected for dither with attitude refinement. -[n/f]d-scdose.fits | FITS image | Dose map: photons per pixel not corrected for dither. -[n/f]d-movie.fits | FITS image cube | Time-slice count maps (J2000): Multiple images of the photons per pixel within selected segments of time in 16 second intervals. _premap-[n/f]d-movie.fits | FITS image cube | Premap movie file, created before artifact varpix masking. This is the one that will have all the artifacts still in it and is thus most like the GR2 and GR3 movies. -[n/f]d-exp.fits | FITS image | Exposure map (J2000): An image of the time (in seconds) spent observing within the GALEX field of view (no response correction). -[n/f]d-rr.fits | FITS image | Relative response map (J2000): This is the relative sensitivity multiplied by the exposure time image (-exp.fits). -[n/f]d-scq.fits | FITS image | Detector Q value map (J2000). -[n/f]d-rrhr.fits | FITS image | High resolution relative response (J2000): Effective exposure time per pixel upsampled from the -rr.fits image. -[n/f]d-int.fits | FITS image | Intensity map (J2000): Photons per pixel per second corrected for the relative response. Note that "-int.fits" is equal to "-cnt.fits" divided by "-rrhr.fits". -[n/f]d-skybg.fits | FITS image | Sky background image (J2000): Photons per pixel per second estimate of the background. This background is subtracted from the intensity image which is then used for source detection. -[n/f]d-intbgsub.fits | FITS image | Background subtracted intensity map (J2000): Intensity map image with the background removed (used for source detections). Note that "-intbgsub.fits" is equal to "-int.fits" minus "-skybg.fits". -[n/f]d-wt.fits | FITS image | Weight/threshold image (J2000): Used by SExtractor for thresholding sources. Pixels > 1 are above the detection threshold. This image is derived by dividing the background-subtracted intensity by a detection threshold image. -[n/f]d-objmask.fits | FITS image | Image with masks of all objects detected by SExtractor in the field. -[n/f]d-varpix.fits | FITS image | Varpix image. An image showing the relative variability of the pixels over time, scaled roughly as an SNR. ............................................................................................................ Catalogs -- FUV, NUV and merged catalogs -[n/f]d-cat.fits | FITS table | SExtractor catalogs for images: Table of sources extracted by GALEX reduction pipeline. The table contains positions, flux, magnitude, and major and minor axes. -fd-ncat.fits | FITS table | FUV extractions using NUV positions: A SExtractor catalog of source fluxes and magnitudes from the FUV image, but with source positions taken from the NUV source catalog "nd-cat.fits". -nd-fcat.fits | FITS table | NUV extractions using FUV positions: A SExtractor catalog of source fluxes and magnitudes from the NUV image, but with source positions taken from the FUV source catalog "fd-cat.fits". -xd-mcat.fits | FITS table | Merged source catalog: Band-merged table of extracted sources. Contains all sources contained in "[n/f]d-cat.fits" matched to the best candidate from the other band. Only sources with a S/N greater than 2 are matched. Sources without matches are also listed. For each source, the table contains a global identifier, merged position, calibrated fluxes and magnitudes, etc. All the data from the "[n/f]d-cat.fits" tables are contained in "-xd-mcat.fits" file, as well as fluxes from the "nd-fcat.fits" and "fd-ncat.fits" files. -rtastar.fits | FITS table | Star catalog used for attitude refinement. -[n/f]d-cat_mch_rtastar.fits | FITS table | This catalog includes all matches between -rtastar.fits catalog and -[n/f]-cat.fits files. ............................................................................................................ Flags -- Artifact flag information -[n/f]d-flags.fits | FITS image | Artifact Flag image (J2000): Identifies predetermined regions which may be introduce systematic errors in data extraction. These artifact regions are caused primarily by reflections of known bright stars. -[n/f]d-flagstar.fits | FITS table | Star catalog for flagging: List of known bright stars used to determine artifact regions. -[n/f]d-cat_mch_flagstar.fits | FITS table | Star catalog for flagging: List of bright stars used for the solution to the spacecraft pointing vs. time using about 30 bright stars in the field of view. -[n/f]d-flag_tbl.fits | FITS table | Artifact data for flag catalog for stars and regions. -[n/f]d-flag_varpix.fits | FITS table | Varpix flag image. -[n/f]d-flag_varmask.fits | FITS table | Pixels masked by the varpix movie mask. Usually corresponds fairly well with the varpix flags. -[n/f]d-flag_hotmask.fits | FITS table | Image showing where hotspots have been masked. _premap-[n/f]d-flag_hotmask.fits | FITS table | Same as above but generated during the premap step, whereas the one above if the official product generated during the map step. -[n/f]d-flag_bright.ds9reg | ds9 Region file | Bright star flag regions: Locations of bright stars. -[n/f]d-flag_dichroic.ds9reg | ds9 Region file | Dichroic reflection flag regions: Reflections of stars off of the dichroic optical element. -[n/f]d-flag_dichroic_eq.ds9reg |ds9 Region file | Equatorial (as opposed to pixel) DS9 regions for the dichroic flags areas. -[n/f]d-flag_edge.ds9reg | ds9 Region file | Edge flag regions: Identifies the edge of the detector. -[n/f]d-flag_brtedge.ds9reg | ds9 Region file | Same as flag_edge except for only bright edge reflections. -[n/f]d-flag_brtedge_eq.ds9reg | ds9 Region file | Equatorial (as opposed to pixel) DS9 regions for the brtedge flags areas. -[n/f]d-flag_rim.ds9reg | ds9 Region file | Rim flag regions: Identifies rim artifacts. -[n/f]d-flag_near.ds9reg | ds9 Region file | Near bright star flag regions: Marks regions near known bright stars. -[n/f]d-flag_window.ds9reg | ds9 Region file | Window reflection regions: Reflections of stars off of the optical window. -[n/f]d-flag_edge_eq.ds9reg | ds9 Region file | Regions affected by an edge artifact. -[n/f]d-flag_window_eq.ds9reg | ds9 Region file | Regions affected by a window reflection. -[n/f]d-flag_rim_eq.ds9reg | ds9 Region file | Regions effected by a rim artifact. -[n/f]d-flag_asteroid_eq.ds9reg| ds9 Region file | Manually identified regions effected by an asteroid. -[n/f]d-flag_hotspot_eq.ds9reg | ds9 Region file | Manually identified regions effected by a hotspot. -[n/f]d-flag_transit_eq.ds9reg | ds9 Region file | Manually identified regions effected by a transit. -[n/f]d-flag_variable_eq.ds9reg| ds9 Region file | Manually identified regions effected by a variable artifact. -[n/f]d-flag_blob_eq.ds9reg | ds9 Region file | Manually identified regions effected by a FUV blob artifact. -[n/f]d-flag_miscel_eq.ds9reg | ds9 Region file | Manually identified regions effected by a miscellaneous artifact. ds9 Region file | FYI | A ds9 region file is a data file of ellipses used by the image viewing program "DS9". The file lists the RA, Dec, major and minor axes and the position angle of the ellipse. ............................................................................................................ Information -- general -summary.txt | ASCII text file | Summary of observational and data values for this eclipse. -[n/f]d-gauss_*.txt | ASCII text file | Data on the gaussian fit to the point-spread-function. -[n/f]d-sexparams_*.txt | ASCII text file | List of parameter values used by SExtractor (source extractor). -[n/f]d-sexcols_*.txt | ASCII text file | List of columns in the SExtactor output. -[n/f]d-sexnnw.txt | ASCII text file | Sextractor input to the (uncalibrated and largely useless) object type identification neural net. -[n/f]d-objmask_out.txt | ASCII text file | Text output of the sextractor run made to generate the object mask. -status.txt | ASCII text file | Status of data. -calinfo.txt | ASCII text file | Calibration parameter values including a directory listing of calibration directory files. CmdLine.txt | ASCII text file | Command line parameter values. OrbPipe.log | ASCII text file | Significant output messages from individual visit pipeline. TargPipe.log | ASCII text file | Significant output messages from coadding pipeline. All.params | ASCII text file | Parameter values for pipeline. If this file is present than these parameter values override default values. Generally this file is manually generated. Out.txt | ASCII text file | Complete standard output from all pipeline programs. *out.txt | ASCII text file | Standard output from various programs. ............................................................................................................ Information -- Quality Analyses -qa.txt | ASCII text file | semi-automated QA data, includes PASS/FAIL and Coadd status. -qa_v##.txt | ASCII text file | Previous versions of the semi-automated QA data. -nd-fcat.ds9reg | ds9 Region file | Ellipses of sources listed in the -nd-fcat.fits file. -fd-ncat.ds9reg | ds9 Region file | Ellipses of sources listed in the -fd-ncat.fits file. -nd-fcat_stats.txt | ASCII text file | Statistics derived from the -nd-fcat.fits file. -fd-ncat_stats.txt | ASCII text file | Statistics derived from the -fd-ncat.fits file. -[n/f]d-cat.ds9reg | ds9 Region file | Ellipses of sources listed in -[n or f]d-cat.fits. _getmask-[n/f]d-cat.ds9reg | ds9 Region file | Ellipses of regions masked (ignored) around sources in order to estimate the astronomical background. -rtastar.ds9reg | ds9 Region file | Ellipses of bright stars from the file -rtastar.fits used in the attitude solution (aspect correction). -rtastar_used.ds9reg | ds9 Region file | Ellipses of bright stars used. -[n/f]d-psf_eq.fits | FITS image | Composite PSF images in images oriented with the equatorial. (We no longer produce the ones that were in detector orientation.) -[n/f]d-psf_eq_stats.txt | ASCII text file | Statistics generated (FWHMs etc.) when making the PSF FITS file. -[n/f]d-psf* | various files | Point-Spread-Function values, plots, FITS headers, and statistics -[n/f]d-flagstar.ds9reg | ds9 Region file | Regions of bright stars used to determine artifact regions. -[n/f]d-cat_mch_flagstar_stats.* | text/PostScript | Statistics for flagged bright stars used for aspect solution. -[n/f]d-cat_mch_rtastar_stats.* | text/PostScript | Statistics for bright stars used for aspect solution. -[n/f]d-cat_stats.txt | ASCII text file | SExtractor catalog statistics. -xd-qa_tabmcat_stats.txt | ASCII text file | Statistics derived from the -mcat.fits merged catalog file. | PostScript | Plots of statistics derived from the -mcat.fits merged catalog file. -xd-int_2color*.jpg | JPEG image file | Two color images of the whole field in various sizes with and without annotations of bright stars. NUV flux is yellow and FUV is blue. -sumstats.* | text/FITS table | A collection of statistics from various pipeline programs. _asprefine-* | various files | Products generated during the aspect static refinement (asprefine) step. -[n/f]d-map_stats.txt | ASCII text file | Mapping (image creation) statistics. -asp_stats.* | text/PostScript | Aspect solution statistics. -aspraw_stats.* | text/PostScript | Aspect solution statistics (with no rate corrections). -[n/f]d-cat_autocorr* | PostScript | Plots of auto-correlation statistics. ............................................................................................................ Grism Data files -- Spectral image strips and spectra. _rtastar suffix | FYI | Each of the following files (except -prc.fits and -prm.fits) may contain the '_rtastar' suffix before the '.fits' extension. This refers to the stage one grism pipeline which uses known bright stars rather than GALEX sources from a '-mcat.fits' file. Files without the _rtastar suffix are stage two products which require a GALEX direct image predecessor catalog. -[n/f]g-gsax.fits | FITS table | Spectral extraction parameter information for each source: Contains parameters used for the spectral extraction and a table of sources used for spectral extraction and for neighbor masking. The sources are selected from the appropriate "xd-mcat.fits" files based on brightness. Nominally, approximately the top 1000 brightest NUV and FUV sources are selected. This file also contains a table of the combined (grism) visits. -[n/f]g-pri.fits | FITS table | Image strips for each source from a single visit: This file contains an image for each source which includes the spectrum plus adjacent background region. NUV data shows the first and second dispersed orders, and FUV data shows the second and third orders. The photon and response images are included, and masked pixels are given as negative values. -[n/f]g-prc.fits | FITS table | Image strips (combined) for each source from multiple visits: This is the same as the "-pri.fits" files but for combined visits. Masking is included in the images such that the combined photon image divided by the combined response image yields the "neigbor-corrected" intensity image of the spectrum. -[n/f]g-prm.fits | FITS table | Image strips (median) for each source from multiple visits: In this file, each pixel of the images is the median of intensity value of pixels from the individual visits. -[n/f]g-gsp.fits | FITS table | Spectral data for each extracted source vs. wavelength: Flux calibrated spectra for each band (photons/second/cm^2/Angstrom). Data is rebinned onto a linear wavelength scaled with fixed bin size (nominally 3.5 Angstroms). -xg-gsp.fits | FITS table | Spectral data for each extracted source vs.wavelength (both bands): This is the combination of "-ng-gsp.fits" and "-fg-gsp.fits". All the data from these two files is contained in this file. -[n/f]g-xsp.fits | FITS table | Spectral data for each extracted source vs. offset: This is a flat-divided "raw" spectral extraction from the image strip data. The units are photons/(wavelength pixel)/second vs. "offset arcsecond" where the arcseconds are relative to the undispersed point for a given source. The spectrum has been divided by flat field response (yielding the "per second") and summed across the profile. No effective area response correction has been applied. Separate grism orders are shown. ............................................................................................................ Grism Data files -- Quality Analysis -xg-offset_profile_qa[_rtastar].jpg | JPEG image | Summary of the spatial profile, spectral resolution and offset (aspect) solution for grism field. Includes median profile of bright stars and sample of spectra. If '_rtastar' appears than the summary refers to the stage one grism pipeline. -xg-offset_profile_qa[_rtastar]_mp1.jpg | JPEG image | First panel of -xg-offset_profile_qa[_rtastar].jpg . -ng-offset_grid_qa[_rtastar].jpg | JPEG image | Correlation image created by summing the photons at the positions of bright stars after applying offsets in dispersion (X) and spatial (Y) directions. -xg-offset_spectra_qa[_rtastar].ps | PostScript | Spectra of a single selected bright source extracted in 100 second time intervals plotted against a a reference spectrum. -xg-qa_taboffset[_rtastar].ps | PostScript | Plots with details of the offset (aspect) solution including selected profile and spectral plots. -xg-qa_tabgsp[_rtastar].ps | PostScript | Statistical summaries of the -xg-gsp.fits file. ............................................................................................................ Ignore *_v##.txt | ASCII text file | Previous versions of various files. *~ | various | Temporary files (should not be there)